Some Basic F-Script Examples
posted by Peter William Lount version 1, 20040920 12:30pm PDT Get the names of the employees: Smalltalk:
employees collect:[:anEmployee | anEmployee name]
employees name
Get the names of the employees whose age is greater than 30: Smalltalk:
(employees select:[: anEmployee | anEmployee age > 30]) collect:[: anEmployee | anEmployee name]
employees name at: employees age > 30
Get a list of employees sorted according to their salary: Smalltalk:
employees asSortedCollection:[:e1 :e2| e1 salary < e2 salary]
employees at: employees salary sort
Increase the salary of each employee by a specific amount: Smalltalk:
employees with:amounts do:[:anEmployee :anAmount| anEmployee raiseSalary:anAmount]
employees raiseSalary:amounts
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