™ | ZokuTalk™ Lisp, Smalltalk, + Others Hybrid

ProjectManager for easy project file outs
by Peter William Lount, 20190628
Copyright 1985-2019, all rights reserved.

ProjectManager for easy project file outs to a single file for each project. You can then file in the output file in one session. Old school project management for Smalltalk systems. Less complicated than all other systems. No dependencies are tracked. Classes are defined first in parent class order before the methods for the classes so that all classes exist when filing back in. Entire classes can be filed out, entire class trees, all classes with a given prefix, all methods with particular hashtag Symbols, and individually named methods can be filed out or excluded.

Actually it's quite flexible for something so easy. An original idea from the mid 1980's that has served me well. Recently rewrote it in 2019 for the ZokuTalk project.

License: BSD, GPL, MIT.
